

1. 学校的广播响了起来,通知同学们下午放假的时间到了。(The school's broadcast sound, informing the students of the time to go home for the afternoon.)

2. 我被学校选为参加数学竞赛的人。(I was selected by my school as one of the participants in the math competition.)

3. 这所学校是1870年成立的。这间学校共有65个教室。 This school was established in 1870. The school has sixty-five classrooms.)

4. 这所学校有一支非常出色的足球队。(This school has an excellent football team.)

5. 他终于收到了那所著名学校的录取通知书。(He finally received his acceptance notice from that famous school.)

6. 这个学校的艺术系非常有名。(The art department of this school is very renowned.)

7. 我的母校坐落在一座小山上。(My alma mater sits on a hilltop.)

8. 我们学校的校长是个和蔼可亲的人。(Our principal is a kind and pleasant man.)

9. 由于学校附近的桥发生了交通事故,我们的校车无法通过了。(Our bus couldn't pass because there was an accident on the bridge near the school.)

10. 在这个贫穷的乡村学校,学生们需要靠自己去寻找乐趣。(In this poor rural school, the children have to make their own fun.)
