

1. 我们的学校是一所拥有悠久历史的名校。 Our school is a famous school with a long history.

2. 我很高兴我的学校是所著名学校。 I am proud of our school being so famous.

3. 我们学校的教室宽敞明亮。 Our classroom are spacious and well-lighted.

4. 今年我们的学校获得了极好的成绩。 This year our school has done very well.

5. 在我看来,我们的学校是一个学习的好地方。 In my opinion,our school is a good place to learn.

6. 这所学校有40个班级。 There are forty classes in the school.

7. 这所学校大约有2000名学生。 The school has about two thousand students.

8. 这个班大约有一半学生来自外国。 Half of this class are from other countries.

9. 一些学生坐在教室里非常安静,而另一些则在外面玩耍。 Some students are reading quietly while others are playing outdoors.

10. 一个男孩走进来,把他的作业本交给老师。 A boy walked into the room and handed his homework to the teacher.
