

魔术这个主题,我会分几期来整理一下我知道的相关信息。 首先从英文名Magic开始谈起吧 Magic这个词来源于古波斯语(属印欧语系),原意是“使魔法变成真的”,所以magic的第一个释义是做幻术表演的巫师。 后来这个词进入拉丁文和法文,再进入英文,含义没有发生变化。在现代英语中,magic用来指代一切超自然能力、神秘事物和奇人异士。 所以Magic作为名词有如下几个释义:

1.A display of the mysterious or supernatural that astonishes and amazes those observing it. 让人惊异、赞叹的能力或者事情。举个例子:the magic of her singing;她唱歌的魔力。

2.The art of performing magical tricks. 变魔术的技巧。举个例子:a card trick;纸牌魔术。

3.An act performed by a magician to show his mastery over the unknown or the supernatural. 魔术师们表演的把戏。举个例子:He was amazed at the young magician's sleights of hand.他对那个年轻魔术师的绝技感到很震惊。

4.The supernatural power to control events, conditions, or people in an extraordinary way. 对奇异的事情的掌控力。举个例子:We need someone with real political magic to lead our campaign.我们需要一个有真知灼见的人领导我们的竞选活动。

5.The quality possessed by some persons of fascinating others into believing things that are not true or making impossible things seem possible. 迷人的魅力。举个例子:I know there is no such thing as love at first sight——it’s just magic!我知道一见钟情是不存在的——这只不过是幻想罢了!

6.Money earned easily but quickly spent或Money wasted on foolish schemes (常与on搭配使用) 不劳而获的钱,挥霍的钱。举个例子:It's easy money—we don't have to work for it—but we will end up spending it all on magic and never have any left over for anything else.这是不劳而获的钱——我们不用工作就能赚到它——但我们最终会把钱都花在魔术上,再也剩不下一分钱做别的事儿了。

除了用作名词,Magic还能够充当动词,意为“对……施展魔法”,比如: She magicked out of me five dollars.她从我身上骗走五美元。
