

我考的是2011年的349分,复试的时候成绩是倒数第二,当时复试的笔试比较难,所以初试的分数相对比较高的人复试被淘汰了 现在说下初试吧! 专业课方面的话:数据结构(408)中有一门就是数据库的基础部分,不过我觉得如果准备34所自主命题的学校的话,可以看看数据库系统的书籍,比如清华大学的马颂杰老师的《数据库系统概论》和严蔚敏老师等人的《数据库系统教程》,另外一本比较好用的教材是《数据库原理及应用(第三版)》作者:王珊、苏红等。这本书比408中的那本数据库的书要容易看一些。

其实数据库的知识点比较琐碎,因此可以在大三上学期时把马颂杰的那本书读一遍(重点看基础的内容),在寒假开始的时候可以把主外的关系,范式等一些基本的理论概念搞懂,然后在开学的时候把算法和数据结构的知识点过一下就行,在大三下学期快结束的时候可以看看《数据库原理与应用》。 如果要考自主命题学校的同学就建议用上面提到的两本专业书去复习就行了。 至于英语和政治的复习我没什么经验可说的,因为我这两科都是71分,呵呵~



谢邀…… 个人对数据库的理解是:数据(Data)、事务(Tx)和数据库系统(DBMS),DBA的职责就是确保这三个要素的正确运行和管理,三者缺一不可 Databases are data.

1、 Data is the collection of facts that describe entities and their relationships to each other. In this sense, a database is any storage area (physical or logical), where structured information can be found and retrieved at will by one or more processes in order to accomplish a given goal/task (for example, transaction processing). In computing, there exist many different kinds of databases for storing diverse types of informations, but all databases have three common properties as follows: 1)data structure 2)processing model 3)access method

2、 Transaction Processing Model A Tx is an operation on the set of data maintained in the DB, with specified transaction attributes such as isolation level、concurrency control、undo等. A TX consists of atomic operations called transactions, i.e, read-modify-write operations supported by the underlying physical access mechanism. The transaction execution model guarantees consistency of data, durability of updates, and atomicity across multiple transactions, while maintaining low overhead cost. Conceptually, the term “transaction” refers to both individual actions, e.g., updating some records, deleting others, and concurrently executing two or more related transactions within certain limits on resource usage and time. Transactions make it possible to perform complex operations involving large sets of data in a coordinated way without risking data loss, corruption, or runaway processing costs.

3、 Database Management Systems DBMSs provide tools and methods for managing a variety of aspects of database systems, including administration, security, replication, migration, performance tuning, disaster recovery, and so on
